Sunday, January 3, 2010

Piggy Day 1

I drink too much, smoke too much, eat too much, sit around too much. I need to exfoliate better, brush better, dress better, have better posture, finish school, clean house better, lose 40 pounds, do laundry more and eat more vegan style. thats all. I am pretty happy with my other features. I am still smart and nice. I have the best friends around. Kids are great, my parents are well. I am ok enough at sex. I will probably be even better after this transformation though. So there is it.thats what this is all about. Anyone who wants to can join my quest. -<3 Big Pig.


.Little Pig. on January 4, 2010 at 1:53 AM said...

hey big pig, so glad another blogger is on the same path to better themselves. I'm on the same mission, we can help eachother in so many ways. keep tracking and I'll keep reading.

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